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Lietojot mājaslapu, jūs piekrītat šai Privātuma politikai. Ja nepiekrītat šai politikai, lūdzam mājaslapu nelietot. SIA “Kompozītmateriāli” patur tiesības mainīt šo politiku jebkurā laikā. Ja turpināsiet lietot SIA “Kompozītmateriāli” tīmekļvietni pēc izmaiņu izdarīšanas mūsu Privātuma politikā, tas apliecinās jūsu piekrišanu šīm izmaiņām. Privātuma politika


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Series Top Coat P

General purpose material based on ORTO, which forms a dust-dry coloured coating with good colour stability.


Products made of unsaturated polyester resin, not subject to intensive and prolonged impact of weather conditions, water or UV light.


  • Top Coat P — manual application, gelling time 10-20 minutes
  • Top Coat P sp — spray application, gelling time 10-20 minutes, viscosity 18,000-58,000
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Series Top Coat 124 P

General purpose material based on ORTO/IZO, which forms a dust-dry coloured coating with good colour stability


Products made of unsaturated polyester resin, not subject to intensive and prolonged impact of weather conditions, water or UV light.


  • Top Coat 124 P — manual application, gelling time 10-20 minutes
  • Top Coat 124 P sp — spray application, gelling time 10-20 minutes, viscosity 18,000-58,000
  • Top Coat 124 FP — rheological properties, gelling time 8-16 minutes, viscosity 40,000-80,000
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Series Top Coat Izo P

General purpose materials based on IZO, which form a dust-dry, coloured, flexible and stable coating. They are resistant to yellowing and fading in long-term usage.


Products made of unsaturated polyester resin, subject to prolonged impact of weather conditions, water or UV light.


  • Top Coat Izo P — manual application, gelling time 10-20 minutes
  • Top Coat Izo P sp — spray application, gelling time 10-20 minutes, viscosity 18,000-58,000
  • Top Coat Izo FP — rheological properties, gelling time 8-16 minutes, viscosity 40,000-80,000
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Series Top Coat NPG P

General purpose materials based on NPG, which form a dust-dry, coloured and stable coating. They are resistant to fading in long-term usage.


High-end products from unsaturated polyester resin with long usable life, which are subject to the impact of weather conditions, water or UV light.


  • Top Coat NPG P — manual application, gelling time 10-20 minutes
  • Top Coat NPG P sp — spray application, gelling time 10-20 minutes, viscosity 18,000-58,000
  • Top Coat NPG FP — rheological properties, gelling time 8-16 minutes, viscosity 40,000-80,000
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Series Top Coat NPG-E P

General purpose materials based on NPG, which form a dust-dry, coloured, stable and flexible coating. They are resistant to fading in long-term usage.


High-end products from unsaturated polyester resin with long usable life, which are subject to the impact of weather conditions, water or UV light.


  • Top Coat NPG-E P — manual application, gelling time 10-20 minutes
  • Top Coat NPG-E P sp — spray application, gelling time 10-20 minutes, viscosity 18,000-58,000
  • Top Coat NPG-E FP — rheological properties, gelling time 8-16 minutes, viscosity 40,000-80,000
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